
Real Estate Classes

Insights and Continuing Education Credits for R.I. Realtors

Welcome to the Real Estate School powered by Marshall & Associates (PM&C), a Rhode Island-based law firm that closes more than 400 residential and commercial property transactions annually.

Our real estate classes offer:

  • Practical and timely insights about real estate law and related transactions
  • Opportunities for realtors to earn professional continuing education credits

All classes are instructed by licensed attorneys (or other licensed professionals) and delivered via webinar format. Course topics will vary week-to-week; we welcome topic suggestions and encourage those interested to sign-up for new class alerts.

Upcoming Webinars

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Disability Accommodation

If any reasonable accommodation is needed to ensure equal access, service or participation and/or to request sign language and/or CART services for the deaf and hard of hearing, please contact the following person who Marshall & Associates has designated to handle such requests and related inquiries:

Brad Pelletier, Esq.
36 Vermont Avenue, #4
Warwick, R.I. 02888