
Landlord Tenant Lawyer

With Marshall & Associates, you’ll be paired with a landlord tenant lawyer that helps you exercise your rights when renting residential and commercial property in Rhode Island or Massachusetts. It is very important that landlords speak with one of our attorneys prior to taking legal action against a tenant. Doing so will provide you with peace of mind knowing that the proper forms will be filed with the Court, which in turn allows for a smooth eviction process.

Our landlord tenant lawyers have spent more than a decade successfully representing residential and commercial landlords. We’ve also helped management companies with eviction proceedings, workout negotiations, and executions.

Our clients appreciate the strategic legal advice and aggressive negotiation skills that our lawyers provide them when it comes to landlord/tenant issues. We’ve successfully represented landlords and management companies in matters involving:

  • Landlord Actions
  • Residential Evictions
  • Commercial Evictions
  • Non-Payment of Rent
  • Demand Notices
  • Leases
  • Workouts

Our firm can help you understand how state and federal laws apply to your residential and commercial lease agreements. Learn more about the Landlord & Tenant Laws of your state:

Questions About Your Legal Needs? We Are Here For You. Contact Us.