Estate Planning

  • how to gift real estate to family in massachusetts and rhode island

Real Estate Transfers

How to Gift Real Estate to Family Byline: Chad Nelson, Esq. Estimated read time: 5 mins Our clients frequently ask whether they can add their child’s name to their deed. The short answer is yes, they can, but whether they should is another matter. Adding a child’s name to your deed, which establishes co-ownership, [...]

Irrevocable Trust for Long Term Care

Why an Irrevocable Trust is a Great Way to Save Money and Fund Long-Term Nursing Home Care Byline: Chad Nelson, Esq. Estimated read time: 3-4 mins When long-term nursing home care is needed, a person generally has two options to cover the cost: 1). pay privately, using one’s own financial resources, or 2). apply [...]

  • A senior couple is walking the beach with their children and grandchildren, for whom they’ve set up an estate planning trust.

Basic Benefits of A Trust

Basic Benefits of A Trust Byline: Chad Nelson, Esq. Estimated read time: 3 mins Many of our clients ask whether they should incorporate a trust into their estate plan. They typically hear from friends or family that having a will is not enough; they’re often told that a more robust estate plan includes a [...]

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